Full changelog#

2.5.1 (unreleased)#

  • Fixed pixel to world coordinate transformation in TargetPixelFile.get_coordinates() in line 488 (“ra, dec = w.wcs_pix2world(X.ravel(), Y.ravel(), 1)”), where for consistency with Gaia the origin should be 0 instead of 1. [#1465]

  • Fixed LightCurve.select_flux() in edge cases, where the unit of the new flux column is different from that of the flux_err column. [#1467]

  • Fixed numpy v2 compatibility for tpf.interact(). [#1473]

  • Modified RegressionCorrector.correct() to add the model flux error in quadrature. [#1439]

  • Updated the default TESS quality mask to include Argabrightening, Impulsive Outlier, and Bad Calibration Exclude flags (see issue #1230). [#1336]

  • Updated tutorial notebook links [#1484]

2.5.0 (2024-08-29)#

  • Fixed memory leak in reading Lightcurve / TargetPixel FITS files in v2.4.2 [#1390]

  • Added support for changes in QLP High Level Science Product in TESS sectors 56 and later. [#1392]

  • Added an informative error message when data products downloaded are corrupted. [#1399]

  • Fixed to ensure file handles are properly released when reading corrupted TargetPixelFile. [#1399]

  • Fixed FoldedLightCurve.cycle, case epoch_time not specified [#1398]

  • Various improvements to the online documentation. [#1400, #1425]

  • Fixed a bug in tpf.interact() so that proper y label is displayed when lightcurve is normalized with transform_func. [#1387]

  • Changed ‘short’ cadence in search.py to be <200s so the new TESS FFI cadence is excluded [#1394]

  • Fixed lightkurve.utils.centroid_quadratic() in edge cases, e.g., fluxes are all negative with mask specified, NaN in the identified brightest 3X3 patch. [#1426]

  • Fixed interact features, e.g. tpf.interact(), to be compliant with Bokeh v3.4.0. The minimum Bokeh version is raised to v2.3.2 accordingly. [#1428]

  • Updated aperture plotting to speed it up in the case of large (bleed column) apertures. [#1434]

  • Fixed time format for KEPSEISMIC light curves from bjkd to mjd. [#1443]

  • Fixed flux unit bug in to_fits [#1454]

  • Added support to read data products hosted on public AWS S3 buckets. [#1451]

  • Added functions to read in collections of light curves or target pixel files. [#1451]

2.4.2 (2023-11-03)#

  • Fixed download issue due to MAST API change [#1380]

2.4.1 (2023-09-06)#

  • Updated interact features to work with JupyterHub (e.g. TiKE) [#1349]

  • Exposed niters parameter in the PCA function of design matrix

  • Fixed the aperture parsing functions inside TPFs to be compliant with numpy v1.25 [#1360]

  • Made LombScarglePeriodogram compatible with Astropy v5.3 [#1342]

  • Updated the TPF plotting function to work correctly with WCS plotting [#1298]

  • Added the ability to open light curves from the TGLC High Level Science Product

  • Added in a flux_err mask to remove NaNs in pldcorrector

2.4.0 (2023-02-14)#

  • Added the ability to configure the default cache directory used by SearchResult.download() / SearchResult.download_all(). [#1214]

  • Moved the default cache directory from $HOME/.lightkurve-cache to $HOME/.lightkurve/cache. [#1214]

  • Fixed interact features, e.g. tpf.interact(), to work with bokeh v3.x [#1262]

  • Fixed SearchResult HTML display for links to TESS GI cycles 3/4 proposals. [#1260]

  • Fixed references to np.int and np.float due to changes in numpy v1.24. [#1279]

2.3.0 (2022-07-07)#

  • Added support for reading light curves created using the eleanor package or provided by the GSFC-ELEANOR-LITE High Level Science Product. [#1217, #1236]

  • Added data product specific documentation. [#1233]

  • Added the ability to include more columns in SearchResult display via a new SearchResult.display_extra_columns attribute, with defaults set by an Astropy-based configuration system. [#1134, #1232]

  • Added a show_progress parameter to query_solar_system_objects(), which shows the download progress by default. [#1225]

  • Added the new TESS quality flag bits 13-15 to TessQualityFlags. [#1218]

  • Added an informative error message when data products downloaded are corrupted or download failed due to remote server error. [#1228]

  • Fixed an issue which caused unnecessary UnitsWarning being raised when reading light curve files and CBV files with AstroPy v5.1 installed. [#1226, #1229]

2.2.1 (2022-05-26)#

  • Fixed a bug in LightCurve.flatten() which caused the flux unit of flattened light curves to be non-dimensionless. [#1195]

  • Improved TargetPixelFile.interact_sky() to include TIC information even when the TICs are not found in Gaia. [#1204]

  • Removed extraneous warnings from TargetPixelFile.interact_sky(). [#1204]

  • Fixed a bug in FoldedLightCurve.odd_mask and .even_mask which caused the mask to be incorrect when the phase is literal time. [#1105]

  • Added a new FoldedLightCurve.cycle attribute. [#1105]

  • Fixed a bug in LightCurve['time', '<some-column>'], which triggered an AttributeError when selecting a subset of columns including time. [#1199]

  • Fixed a bug in LightCurve() constructor, which triggered an AttributeError when data parameter is a list or ndarray [#1199]

  • Fixed a bug in LightCurve.query_solar_system_objects which caused an excessive search radius to be used for TESS light curves. [#1208]

  • Various improvements to the online documentation. [#1197, #1210]

2.2.0 (2022-04-12)#

  • Fixed a bug in TargetPixelFile.interact() which prevented custom pixels from being selected with Bokeh v2.3.x and later. [#1177]

  • Improved TargetPixelFile.interact_sky() by introducing an arrow to highlight selected stars, adding an aperture_mask argument, and defaulting to box zoom. [#1082]

  • Fixed a bug in LightCurve.select_flux() to ensure NORMALIZED header is set based on the new flux column. [#1094]

  • Fixed a bug in LightCurveCollection.stitch() which triggered a ValueError when a mix of normal and masked columns was encountered. [#1182]

  • Removed the QColumn, QMaskedColumn, and QTimeSeries classes which were temporarily added in Lightkurve v2.0 to support AstroPy v4.2 and earlier. [#1188]

  • Fixed a FutureWarning triggered by query_solar_system_objects(). [#1189]

  • Removed setup.py because pip>=21.3 now enables editable installs to be executed using the pyproject.toml file instead. [#1185]

2.1.1 (2022-03-24)#

  • Fixed a bug in LightCurve.plot_river() which triggered a TypeError: cannot write to unmasked output. [#1175]

  • Fixed a bug in search_tesscut(...).download() which caused TESSCut downloads to fail when Astroquery v0.4.6 or later is installed. [#1176]

  • Fixed a bug in LightCurve.fill_gaps() which caused incorrect results in the presence of masked data. [#1172]

2.1.0 (2022-02-10)#

  • Made Lightkurve compatible with AstroPy v5.0, which introduced masked quantities. Lightkurve v2.1 now requires AstroPy v5.0 and Python v3.8 or later. [#1162]

  • Added the cbv_dir parameter to CBVCorrector, load_kepler_cbvs, and load_tess_cbvs to enable CBVs to be loaded from a local directory. [#1122]

  • Deprecated download_kepler_cbvs and download_tess_cbvs in favor of load_kepler_cbvs and load_tess_cbvs. [#1122]

  • Restored original bins functionality from v1.x in LightCurve.bin() and enabled iterable inputs to time_bin_start, time_bin_end, time_bin_size for custom bin sizes. [#1042]

2.0.11 (2021-09-22)#

  • Modified TargetPixelFile.interact_sky() to enable it to work with pixel files which lack proper motion or coordinate information. [#1088]

  • Fixed excessive memory usage by LightCurve.bin(). [#1096]

  • Various improvements to the online documentation. [#1102]

  • Fixed a bug in TargetPixelFile.estimate_centroids() which caused the column and row coordinates to be off by 0.5. [#1103]

  • Fixed a bug which caused a light curve’s meta data to be lost after calling LightCurve.bin(). [#1041]

  • Modified the BKJD and BTJD AstroPy time formats to use the Barycentric Dynamical Time (TDB) scale by default. [#1112]

  • Modified LightCurve.create_transit_mask() to accept AstroPy Quantity objects for period, transit_time, and duration. [#1119, #1141]

  • Modified CBVCorrector to issue a warning message if the CBVs are poorly aligned to the input light curve. [#1113]

  • Fixed a bug in underfit_metric_neighbors() which caused the alignment of light curves to fail. [#1120]

  • Removed an unnecessary warning triggered when LightCurve.normalize() is called on an already-normalized light curve. [#1128]

  • Fixed an AstroPy warning (“dropping mask in Quantity column”) which was encountered when opening a light curve with AstroPy v4.3 installed.

  • Fixed a bug in TargetPixelFile.animate() which caused a ModuleNotFoundError to be raised when using older versions of matplotlib. [#1139]

  • Added a column parameter to LightCurve.truncate(). [#1116]

2.0.10 (2021-06-04)#

  • Modified the search functions to ensure the two parts of K2 Campaigns 9, 10, and 11 are more clearly marked. [#1018]

  • Fixed a bug in LightCurve which caused left-hand side multiplication with NumPy floats and AstroPy Quantity objects to fail. [#925]

  • Fixed a bug which caused TargetPixelFile.to_lightcurve() to fail when a pixel file lacked the keywords “TUNIT5” or “TUNIT6”.

  • Fixed a bug which caused the column parameter to be ignored in TargetPixelFile.animate().

  • Fixed a bug in TargetPixelFile.interact() when ylim_func is specified and users tap to select custom apertures. [#1033]

  • Improved the user interface of TargetPixelFile.interact_sky(), including providing TIC information when applicable. [#1050]

  • Fixed a bug in search_tesscut().download() when download_dir is specified. [#1063]

  • Fixed a bug in LightCurveCollection and TargetPixelFileCollection, where indexing by slice, e.g., lc_collection[0:2], incorrectly returns a list [#1077]

  • Added the LightCurve.select_flux() method to make it easier to use a different column to populate the flux and flux_err columns. [#1076]

  • Modified the MIT Quicklook Pipeline (QLP) light curve file reader to use the “SAP_FLUX” column as the default flux column. [#1083]

2.0.9 (2021-03-31)#

  • Added the head(), tail(), and truncate() convenience methods to the LightCurve class. [#1017]

  • Modified TargetPixelFile.to_lightcurve() to accept “sff”, “cbv”, and “pld” as options for the method keyword argument. [#1017]

  • Fixed a bug in LightCurve.append() which caused the method to crash if the light curves contained incompatible column types. [#1015]

2.0.8 (2021-03-30)#

  • Fixed a bug which caused the step and interval parameters to be ignored in TargetPixelFile.animate().

  • Modified TargetPixelFile.pipeline_mask to return a default mask if the aperture extension is missing from the file.

2.0.7 (2021-03-24)#

  • Added support for reading CDIPS light curves. [#980]

  • Fixed a bug which caused LightCurve object instantiation to fail if a string-typed column had a unit set. [#980]

  • Fixed a bug in CBVCorrector causing it to not work on K2 data. [#1012]

  • Modified LightCurveCollection to have a more simple and generic __repr__() which does not group objects by target id. [#1002]

  • Fixed a bug in LightCurveCollection.plot() which caused an incorrect y label when the collection contained normalized and non-normalized light curves. [#1002]

  • Modified the search functions to make the exptime parameter case-insensitive.

2.0.6 (2021-03-15)#

  • Removed ipython from the installation requirements. [#999]

  • Added the LightCurve.to_excel() convenience method. [#1000]

  • Added a new tutorial demonstrating how to load a light curve into Excel.

2.0.5 (2021-03-13)#

  • Removed numba from the installation requirements and modified SparseDesignMatrix to no longer use numba.jit. [#997]

  • Modified LightCurve.bin() to partially restore the bins parameter which was available in Lightkurve v1.x, to improve backwards compatibility. [#995]

  • Modified LightCurveCollection.stitch() to ignore incompatible columns instead of having them raise a ValueError. [#996]

2.0.4 (2021-03-11)#

  • Added the TargetPixelFile.animate() feature to display Target Pixel Files as HTML animations inside Jupyter notebook environments. [#991]

  • Fixed a bug in SFFCorrector which caused prior_mu and prior_sigma to be Quantity objects rather than arrays. [#982]

2.0.3 (2021-02-23)#

  • Added support for reading KEPSEISMIC light curves. [#972]

  • Modified the top-level namespace of lightkurve to include the contents of lightkurve.correctors again. This was removed in 2.0.0 to speed up import lightkurve, but the change affects too many existing packages. [#977]

  • Fixed a bug affecting the alignment of vectors in CBVCorrector. [#964]

2.0.2 (2021-02-19)#

  • Added the lightkurve.units module to ensure “ppt” and “ppm” are enabled AstroPy units when Lightkurve is imported. [#959]

  • Fixed a bug which made it impossible to use bin() after fold(). [#953]

  • Fixed a bug which caused LightCurve.plot(offset=N) to permanently increase a light curve’s flux by N. [#961]

2.0.1 (2021-02-16)#

  • Fixed an issue which caused the installation of Lightkurve 2.0 to fail under Python 3.9. [#951]

2.0.0 (2021-02-15)#

Major changes#

  • Removed support for Python 2. [#733]

  • LightCurve is now a sub-class of astropy.time.TimeSeries. This enables the use of custom data columns and enables a closer integration with AstroPy. As a result, light curve objects now behave just like tables. [#744]

  • The data search features have been modified to support and display community-contributed data products by default, and to support the new TESS exposure time modes (e.g. 20-second cadence).

  • The CBVCorrector class has been re-implemented to enable users to remove instrumental noise from light curves in a way that is nearly identical to the method used by the official Kepler/TESS pipeline.

  • The online documentation has been updated to include a dozen new tutorials, a new layout, and an extended API reference guide. [#926]

  • The structure of the source code repository has been modified to separate source files (src/) from test files (tests/). [#947]

Other changes#


  • Added the LightCurve.search_neighbors() convenience method to search for light curves around an existing one. [#907]

  • Added the LightCurve.create_transit_mask(period, transit_time, duration) method to conveniently mask planet or eclipsing binary transits. [#808]

  • Added a column parameter to LightCurve’s plot(), scatter(), and errorbar() methods to enable any column to be plotted. [#765]

  • Added a column parameter to LightCurve.remove_nans() to enable cadences to be removed which contain NaN values in a specific column. [#828]

  • interact_bls(): added the support zoom by scrolling mouse wheel. [#854]

  • interact_bls(): modified so that it normalizes the lightcurve to match the generated transit model. [#854]

  • interact_bls(): fixed a bug which caused the LightCurve panel to be scaled incorrectly. [#902]


  • Added the ability to perform math with TargetPixelFile objects, e.g., tpf = tpf - 100 will subtract 100 from the tpf.flux values. [#665]

  • Added the TargetPixelFile.plot_pixels() method to plot light curves and periodograms for each individual pixel in a TPF. [#771]

  • Added the estimate_background method to TargetPixelFile which returns a 1D estimate of the residual background present in e.g. TESSCut data. [#746]

  • Added a column parameter to TargetPixelFile.plot() to enable any column in a pixel file to be plotted (e.g. column="BKG_FLUX"). [#738]

  • Added the flux_method keyword to extract_aperture_photometry to allow photometry to be obtained using "sum", "median", or "mean". [#932]

  • Modified to_lightcurve() to default to using aperture_mask='threshold' if the 'pipeline' mask is missing or empty, e.g. for TESSCut files. [#833]

  • Modified plot() to use a more clear hatched style when visualizing the aperture mask on top of pixel data. [#814]

  • Modified _parse_aperture_mask() to ensure that masks composed of integer or floats are always converted to booleans. [#694]

  • Modified interact() to use max_cadences=200000 by default to allow it to be used on fast-cadence TESS data. [#856]

  • Modified TargetPixelFactory to support creating TESS Target Pixel Files and to enable it to populate all data columns. [#768, #857]

  • Fixed a bug in TargetPixelFile.__getitem__() which caused a substantial memory leak when indexing or slicing a tpf. [#829]

  • Fixed a bug in TargetPixelFile.wcs which caused it to raise an error if the tpf does not contain all expected WCS keywords. [#892]


  • Added the ability to filter a collection by quarter, campaign or sector. [#815]


  • Added the CotrendingBasisVectors class to provide a convenient interface to work with TESS and Kepler basis vector data products. [#826]

  • Modified the CBVCorrector class to perform the correction in a way that is more similar to the official Kepler/TESS pipeline. [#855]

  • Added SparseDesignMatrix and modified RegressionCorrector to enable systematics removal methods to benefit from scipy.sparse speed-ups. [#732]

  • Modified PLDCorrector to make use of the new RegressionCorrector and DesignMatrix classes. [#746, #847]

  • Fixed a bug in SFFCorrector which caused correction to fail if a light curve’s centroid_col or centroid_row columns contained NaNs. [#827]

  • Modified the Corrector abstract base class to better document the desired structure of its sub-classes. [#907]

  • Added a metrics module with two functions to measure the degree of over- and under-fitting of a corrected light curve. [#907]


  • Modified the estimate_radius, estimate_mass, and estimate_logg methods to default to the teff value in the meta data. [#766]

  • Added an error message to estimate_numax() or estimate_deltanu() if the underlying periodogram does not have uniformly-spaced frequencies. [#780]


  • Modified create_transit_mask method to return True during transits and False elsewhere for consistent mask syntax. [#808]

  • Modified BoxLeastSquaresPeriodogram to use duration=[0.05, 0.10, 0.15, 0.20, 0.25, 0.33] by default, which yields more accurate results (albeit slower). [#859, #860]

1.11.3 (2020-10-06)#

  • Fixed inline plots not appearing in Jupyter Notebooks and Google Colab. [#865]

1.11.2 (2020-08-28)#

  • Fixed a warning being issued ("LightCurveFile.header is deprecated") when downloading light curve files from MAST. [#819]

1.11.1 (2020-06-18)#

  • Fixed a bug in TargetPixelFile.cutout() which prevented image edges from being included in cut-outs. [#749]

  • Fixed a bug in tpf.interact() which caused the pixel selection to be off by half a pixel. The bug was introduced in v1.11.0. [#754]

  • Fixed tpf.plot() and tpf.interact_sky() to reflect that Kepler and TESS pixel coordinates refer to pixel centers. [#755]

  • Fixed broken links in tutorials. [#756]

1.11.0 (2020-05-20)#

  • Deprecated the TargetPixelFile.header property and LightCurveFile.header() method in favor of a consistent get_header() method. [#736]

  • Fixed a bug in tpf.interact_sky() which caused star positions to be off by half a pixel. [#734]

1.10.0 (2020-05-14)#

  • Added the query_solar_system_objects() method to search for solar system objects in TargetPixelFile and LightCurve objects. [#714]

  • Added the extra_columns attribute to LightCurve objects. [#724]

  • Fixed the URL to the Point Response Function (PRF) files in KeplerPRF. [#727]

  • Fixed a bug which caused searches to fail with Astroquery v0.4.1 and later. [#728]

  • Fixed a bug in TargetPixelFile.interact_sky() which caused high proper motion stars to be shown at incorrect locations. [#730]

1.9.1 (2020-03-25)#

  • Increased the speed of search_lightcurvefile() and search_targetpixelfile() by a factor ~10x. [#715]

  • Fixed an issue which caused interact() and interact_bls() to be incompatible with Bokeh v2.0.0. [#716]

  • Fixed a bug in LightCurve.bin() which caused the method to fail if the quality array has a floating point data type. [#705]

1.9.0 (2020-02-25)#

  • Added an experimental TessPLDCorrector class designed to correct TESS FFI light curves by detrending against local pixel time series. [#687]

  • Added a LightCurve.plot_river() method to plot river diagrams, which uses colors to visualize fluxes by period cycle (row) and phase (column). [#625]

  • Added caching to search_tesscut to avoid requesting an identical cut out more than once. [#481]

1.8.0 (2020-02-09)#

  • Added the Seismology.interact_echelle() method for creating interactive asteroseismic echelle diagrams. [#625]

  • Added odd_mask and even_mask properties to FoldedLightCurve to make it easy to plot odd- and even-numbered transits. [#425]

  • Fixed a bug which caused TargetPixelFile.interact() to raise a ValueError if the pixel file contained NaN flux values. [#679]

  • Fixed minor issues in the tutorials. [#662, #683]

1.7.0 (2020-01-29)#

  • Added a scale='linear' option to TargetPixelFile.interact() to show pixels using a linear stretch. The default is scale='log'. [#664]

  • Added a warning if SFFCorrector is used to correct TESS data. [#660]

  • Added improved sigma-clipping inside RegressionCorrector. [#654]

  • Fixed a bug which caused LightCurve.show_properties() to raise a ValueError when the time format was not set. [#655]

  • Fixed a bug which caused TargetPixelFile.interact() to crash if the pipeline aperture mask did not contain pixels. [#667]

  • Fixed a bug which caused RegressionCorrector.correct() to crash if the input light curve contained flux uncertainties <= 0. [#668]

1.6.0 (2019-12-16)#

  • Fixed a bug in tpf.to_lightcurve() which caused flux and flux_err to be 0 instead of NaN for cadences with all-NaN pixels. [#651]

  • Added a new TESS data anomaly flag (bit 13 / value 4096) which was introduced in Sector 14 to mark cadences affected by strong scattered light. Compared to the original stray light flag (bit 12), this flag is set automatically by the pipeline based on background level thresholds. [#652]

  • Changed the requirements to make fbpca a required dependency, because it allows DesignMatrix.pca() to be faster and more robust. [#653]

1.5.2 (2019-12-05)#

  • Fixed a bug introduced in v1.5.0 which caused an ImportError related to astropy.stats.calculate_bin_edges to be raised when a user has an older version of AstroPy installed (version <3.1 or <2.10). [#644]

  • Fixed a bug which caused the positions of stars in tpf.interact_sky() to be off by one pixel. [#638]

1.5.1 (2019-11-22)#

  • Fixed a bug introduced in Lightkurve v1.5 which caused import lightkurve on Mac OSX to automatically select the Matplotlib Agg backend. [#640]

1.5.0 (2019-11-20)#

  • Changed the representation of SearchResult objects to make it easier to see at a glance which quarter/campaign/sector a result belongs to. [#632]

  • Added mission, sector, camera, and ccd properties to TessLightCurveFile for consistency with TessTargetPixelFile. [#633]

  • Added the bins argument to LightCurve.bin() to enable custom binning by specifying the bin edges or the total number of bins. [#629]

  • Added transform_func & ylim_func keywords to interact() to support user-defined light curve transformations and y-axis limits. [#600]

  • Added to_stringray() and from_stingray() to LightCurve to enable interoperability with the Stingray spectral timing package. [#567]

  • Added an ax (axes) keyword to Seismology.plot_echelle() to enable Echelle diagrams to be plotted into an existing Matplotlib figure. [#635]

1.4.1 (2019-11-18)#

  • Fixed a bug which caused search_targetpixelfile and search_lightcurvefile to raise an IndexError if the sector keyword was passed and the target was observed by both TESS & Kepler. [#631]

1.4.0 (2019-11-12)#

  • Added the generic RegressionCorrector and DesignMatrix classes which provide a user-friendly way to use linear regression to remove background or systematic noise components from light curves. [#613]

  • Refactored the SFFCorrector class to use the new RegressionCorrector, which deprecated the polyorder keyword in favor of degree. [#613, #616, #617, #626]

  • Changed the tutorials index page in the online docs to make the tutorials easier to navigate.

  • Added a tutorial which demonstrates the use of Lightkurve’s seismology module to measure the mass, radius, and surface gravity of a solar-like star. [#624]

  • Changed SearchResult.download() to raise a more explicit HTTPError exception when MAST’s TESSCut service is overloaded and times out. [#627]

1.3.0 (2019-10-21)#

  • Added a method="quadratic" option to tpf.estimate_centroids() which enables centroids to be estimated by fitting a bivariate polynomial to the 3x3 pixel core of the PSF. The method can also be called as a standalone function via lightkurve.utils.centroid_quadratic(). [#544, #610]

  • Fixed a bug in Seismology.plot_echelle() which caused the Echelle diagram of a power spectrum to be rendered incorrectly. [#602]

  • Fixed a bug which caused lightkurve.utils to be incorrectly resolved to lightkurve.seismology.utils. [#606]

  • Changed bkjd_to_astropy_time() and btjd_to_astropy_time() to accept a single float and lists of floats in addition to numpy arrays. [#608]

  • Improved support for creating a LombScarglePeriodogram with an unevenly sampled grid in frequency space. [#614]

1.2.0 (2019-10-01)#

  • Added flux_unit and flux_quantity properties to the LightCurve class to enable users to keep track of a light curve’s flux units. [#591]

  • Changed the default behavior of LightCurve.plot() to use normalize=False, ie. plots now display a light curve in its intrinsic units by default. [#591]

  • Added an optional unit argument to LightCurve.normalize() to make it convenient to obtain a relative light curve in percent (unit='percent'), parts per thousand (unit='ppt') or parts per million (unit='ppm'). [#591]

  • Changed LombScarglePeriodogram.from_lightcurve() to not normalize the input light curve by default. [#591]

  • Changed LightCurve.normalize() to emit a warning if the light curve appears to be zero-centered. [#589]

  • Fixed an issue which caused the search functions to be incompatible with the latest version of astroquery (v0.3.10). [#598]

  • Added support for performing mathematical operations involving LightCurve objects, e.g. two LightCurve objects can now be added together. [#532]

  • Updated the online tutorials (https://docs.lightkurve.org/tutorials) to take all recent Lightkurve API changes into account. [#596]

1.1.1 (2019-08-19)#

Lightkurve v1.1.1 is a bugfix release which includes the following changes:

  • Changed search_targetpixelfile() and search_lightcurvefile() to emit a helpful warning if an ambigous target identifier is used, i.e. if a number is entered in the range where the K2 EPIC and TESS TIC catalogs overlap. [#558]

  • Changed TargetPixelFile.plot() to always display the cadence number. [#562]

  • Changed TargetPixelFile.interact() to store light curves created using the tool in the SAP_FLUX column rather than the FLUX column of the new light curve file, for consistency with pipeline products. [#559]

  • Added scatter() and errorbar() methods to the LightCurveFile class to make it consistent with the LightCurve class. [#382]

  • Fixed a bug in KeplerTargetPixelFile.from_fits_images() to ensure the correct pixels are selected in cutout mode. [#571]

  • Fixed a series of minor documentation and code quality issues to enable Lightkurve to receive the “code quality A” certification by codacy.com. [#557, #560, #564, #565, #566, #568, #573, #574, #575]

1.1.0 (2019-07-19)#

  • Added the lightkurve.seismology sub-package which enables quick-look asteroseismic quantities to be extracted from Periodogram objects. [#496]

  • Added the stitch() method to LightCurveCollection and LightCurveFileCollection to enable multi-sector/multi-quarter data to be combined more easily. [#548]

  • Improved the LightCurve.fill_gaps() method to fill gaps in a light curve with Gaussian noise proportional to the light curve’s CDPP. [#548]

  • Added the TargetPixelFile.cutout() method which enables smaller Target Pixel Files to be extracted from larger ones. [#537]

  • Added a pld_aperture_mask argument to PLDCorrector.correct() to enable users to select the pixels used for creating the PLD basis vectors. [#523]

  • Added a new unit test module (test_synthetic_data.py) which utilizes synthetic Target Pixel Files to validate Lightkurve features. [#534]

  • Added extra log.debug messages to lightkurve.search to enable users to track the status of search and download operations. [#547]

  • Added several new usage examples to the docstrings of functions. [#516]

  • Removed seven methods which had been deprecated prior to v1.0: [#515] * removed lc.cdpp() in favor of lc.estimate_cdpp(); * removed lc.correct() in favor of lc.to_corrector().correct(); * removed lcf.from_fits() in favor of lightkurve.open(); * removed tpf.from_fits() in favor of lightkurve.open(); * removed lcf.from_archive() in favor of search_lightcurvefile(); * removed tpf.from_archive() in favor of search_targetpixelfile(); * removed tpf.centroids() in favor of tpf.estimate_centroids().

  • Moved the Corrector systematics removal classes into their own sub-package, named lightkurve.correctors. [#519]

  • Fixed a bug which prevented lightkurve.open() from raising a FileNotFoundError when a file does not exist. [#540]

  • Fixed a bug which caused BoxLeastSquaresPeriodogram to ignore the period parameter. [#514]

  • Fixed a bug which prevented the t0 argument of lc.fold() from being an AstroPy Quantity object. [#521]

1.0.1 (2019-05-20)#

This is a minor bugfix release containing the following improvements:

  • Fixed minor bugs in PLDCorrector.correct() [#498], TargetPixelFile.create_threshold_mask() [#502], and LightCurve.bin() [#503].

  • Ensure users are alerted if a large number of cadences are masked out by quality_bitmask when opening data products. [#495]

  • CBVCorrector now accepts a KeplerLightCurve as input. [#504]

  • The lightkurve.search functions now provide a more helpful error message if the download cache contains a corrupt file. [#512]

  • Switched continuous integration from Travis/Appveyor to Azure. [#497]

1.0.0 (2019-04-08)#

This is the first stable release of Lightkurve. It was prepared with the help of 45 contributors!

This release contains major changes to the LombScarglePeriodogram class:

  • Changed the default behavior of LombScarglePeriodogram.from_lightcurve() to use normalization='amplitude' and oversample_factor=5 (the previous defaults were normalization='psd' and oversample_factor=1). The docstring has been expanded to help users understand these options. [#491]

  • Added a LightkurveWarning to alert users of the changes to the default behavior. [#493]

  • Deprecated the min_frequency/max_frequency arguments in favor of minimum_frequency/maximum_frequency to be consistent with the other Periodogram classes. [#478]

  • Likewise, deprecated the min_period/max_period arguments in favor of minimum_period/maximum_period to be consistent with the other Periodogram classes. [#478]

Other changes are:

  • Improved PLDCorrector to be more robust against the presence of NaNs. [#479, #488]

  • Improved search_tesscut to avoid crashing in the event of an empty search result, and to ensure that the files it returns carry the search string as the targetid attribute. [#475, #477]

  • Various minor bug fixes. [#488, #490, #494]

1.0b30 (2019-03-27)#

  • Significantly improved the performance of the PLDCorrector feature for systematics removal. [#470]

  • Improved the normalization of the result returned by Periodogram.smooth(method='logmedian'). [#453]

  • Improved the visualization of NaN values in TargetPixelFile.plot(). [#455]

  • Various minor bug fixes. [#448, #450, #463, #471]

1.0b29 (2019-02-14)#

  • The search_tesscut(...).download() feature now supports downloading rectangular TESS FFI cut-outs. It previously only supported squares. [#441]

  • Fixed a bug which prevented search_tesscut(...).download_all() from downloading all sectors. [#440]

  • Minor bug fixes and performance improvements. [#439, #446]

1.0b28 (2019-02-09)#


  • Simplified the installation of Lightkurve by turning several packages into optional rather than required dependencies (celerite, pybind, scikit-learn, and bokeh). [#436]

  • Added search_tesscut(): an easy interface to access data produced using the MAST TESSCut service. This service extracts Target Pixel Files (TPFs) from TESS Full Frame Images (FFIs). [#418]

  • Added TargetPixelFile.interact_sky(): an interactive Bokeh widget to overlay Gaia DR2 source positions on top of TPFs. [#124]

  • Changed LightCurve.fold(): the transit_midpoint parameter has been deprecated in favor of the t0 parameter. [#419]


  • Made BoxLeastSquaresPeriodogram robust against light curves that contain NaNs. [#432]

  • TargetPixelFile.wcs now works for Target Pixel Files produced using the MAST TessCut service. [#434]

1.0b26 (2019-02-04)#

  • Introduced a new layout for the online documentation. [#360, #400, #406]

  • Added LightCurve.interact_bls(): an interactive Bokeh widget to find planets using the Box Least Squares (BLS) method. [#401]

  • Added LombScarglePeriodogram and BoxLeastSquarePeriodogam sub-classes to distinguish periodograms generated using different methods. [#403]

  • Added the PLDCorrector class to remove instrument systematics using the Pixel Level Decorrelation (PLD) method. [#305]

  • Added the TargetPixelFile.to_corrector() convenience method to make systematics correction classes easy to access. [#305]

  • Refactored SFFCorrector to make its API consistent with PLDCorrector, and deprecated the LightCurve.correct() method in favor of LightCurve.to_corrector(). [#408, #417]

  • Made SFFCorrector robust against light curves that contain big gaps in time. [#414]

  • Minor bug fixes. [#392, #397, #420]

  • Increased the unit test coverage. [#387, #388]

1.0b25 (2018-12-14)#

  • The TargetPixelFile.interact() bokeh app now includes a Save Lightcurve button [#329].

  • Fixed a minor bug in LightCurve.bin() [#377].

1.0b24 (2018-12-10)#

  • Added support for TESS to search_targetpixelfile() and search_lightcurvefile() [#367].

  • Added support for data generated by the TESScut service [#369, #375].

  • Removed “Impulsive outliers” from the default set of quality constraints applied to TESS data [#374].

  • LightCurve.flatten() is now more robust against outliers [#372].

  • LightCurve.fold() now takes a transit_midpoint parameter instead of the phase parameter [#361, #363].

  • Various minor bugfixes [#372].

1.0b23 (2018-11-30)#

  • TargetPixelFile.create_threshold_mask() now only returns one contiguous mask, which is configurable using the new reference_pixel argument [#345].

  • TargetPixelFile.interact(): now requires Bokeh v1.0 or later [#355].

  • utils.detect_filetype() automatically detects Kepler or TESS Target Pixel Files and Light Curve files [#340, #350, #356].

  • LightCurve.estimate_cdpp(): the argument sigma_clip was renamed into sigma [#359].

  • Fixed minor bugs in LightCurve.to_pandas() [#343], LightCurve.correct() [#347], FoldedLightCurve.errorbar() [#352], LightCurve.fold() [#353].

  • Documentation improvements [#344, #358].

  • Increased the unit test coverage [#351].

1.0b22 (2018-11-17)#

  • lightkurve.open() was added to provide a single function to read in any light curve or target pixel file from Kepler or TESS and return the appropriate object [#317].

  • The from_fits() methods have been deprecated in favor of lightkurve.open() [#336].

  • The lightkurve.mast module has been removed in favor of the new lightkurve.search module.

  • Various small bugfixes, speed-ups, and documentation improvements [#314, #315, #322, #323, #325, #331, #334, #335].

1.0b21 (2018-10-29)#

  • The from_archive() methods of KeplerTargetPixelFile and KeplerLightCurveFile have been deprecated in favor of the new search_targetpixelfile() and search_lightcurvefile() functions. These allow users to inspect the results of their queries and offer more powerful features, e.g. cone-searches. If you are currently using tpf = KeplerTargetPixelFile.from_archive("objectname"), please start using tpf = search_targetpixelfile("objectname").download() instead.

  • TargetPixelFile objects can now be indexed and sliced. [#308]

  • The default number of windows used by the SFF systematics removal algorithm has been changed from 1 to 10. [#312]

  • Various small bug fixes and unit test improvements.

1.0b20 (2018-10-16)#

  • We adopted a rule that all method names must include a verb, and all class properties must be a noun [#286]. As a result, we renamed the following methods:

    • LightCurve.cdpp() is now LightCurve.estimate_cdpp()

    • LightCurve.periodogram() is now LightCurve.to_periodogram()

    • LichtCurve.properties() is now LightCurve.show_properties()

    • TargetPixelFile.aperture_photometry() is now TargetPixelFile.extract_aperture_photometry()

    • TargetPixelFile.centroids() is now TargetPixelFile.estimate_centroids()

    • TargetPixelFile.header() is now a property.

  • Added Periodogram.smooth() [#288].

  • Periodogram.estimate_snr() was renamed to Periodogram.p.flatten() [#290].

  • Lightkurve can now read in light curve files produced using LightCurveFile.to_fits() [#297].

1.0b19 (2018-10-10)#

  • The Periodogram class has been refactored;

  • The LightCurve.remove_outliers() method now accepts sigma_lower and sigma_upper parameters.