Building the documentation#

Coding and documentation standards#

Lightkurve adopts AstroPy’s coding guidelines and standards, as documented in AstroPy’s Development Documentation.

Building documentation#


Building the documentation is not necessary unless you are writing new documentation or do not have internet access, because the latest version of the documentation is available online at .

Building the lightkurve documentation requires sphinx and a few extra packages. We recommend using poetry to install the development dependencies:

$ poetry install

To make a clean directory for the docs use:

$ cd docs
$ make clean

To build the documentation in HTML format, execute:

$ cd docs
$ make html

Note if you build the documentation after cleaning the directory this will compile the notebooks, which can take a significant amount of time (over 30 minutes). This will save the documentation website in the ../../lightkurve-docs directory on your system. If you re-run the make html command the notebook-based tutorials will not be recompiled by default because they take some time to build. To recompile the just the notebooks, type:

$ make notebooks

Finally, if you have write permission to lightkurve’s GitHub repository, you can upload the documentation to the web server using:

$ make upload


If you encounter the error Pandoc wasn't found, you will have to install pandoc separately as well following its installation instruction . For example, on Mac OS you can install pandoc using homebrew:

$ brew install pandoc

An alternative method is to install pandoc using conda:

$ conda install --channel=conda-forge pandoc


To build the docs on a Mac you may have to install the Xcode Command Line Tools, which you can do using:

$ xcode-select --install