- lightkurve.correctors.load_kepler_cbvs(cbv_dir=None, mission=None, quarter=None, campaign=None, channel=None, module=None, output=None)[source]#
Loads Kepler or K2 cotrending basis vectors, either from a local directory cbv_dir or searches the public data archive at MAST <>.
This function fetches the Cotrending Basis Vectors FITS HDU for the desired mission, quarter/campaign and channel or module/output, etc… and then extracts the requested basis vectors and returns a KeplerCotrendingBasisVectors object
For Kepler/K2, the FITS files contain all channels in a single file per quarter/campaign.
For Kepler this extracts the DR25 CBVs.
- Parameters:
- cbv_dirstr
Path to specific directory holding Kepler CBVs. If None, queries MAST.
- missionstr, list of str
‘Kepler’ or ‘K2’
- quarter or campaignint
Kepler Quarter or K2 Campaign.
- channel or (module and output)int
Kepler/K2 requested channel or module and output. Must provide either channel, or module and output, but not both.
- Returns:
- result
- result
This example will read in the CBVs for Kepler quarter 8, and then extract the first 8 CBVs for module.output 16.4
>>> cbvs = load_kepler_cbvs(mission='Kepler', quarter=8, module=16, output=4)