- lightkurve.utils.plot_image(image, ax=None, scale='linear', origin='lower', xlabel='Pixel Column Number', ylabel='Pixel Row Number', clabel='Flux ($e^{-}s^{-1}$)', title=None, show_colorbar=True, vmin=None, vmax=None, **kwargs)[source]#
Utility function to plot a 2D image
- Parameters:
- image2d array
Image data.
- ax
A matplotlib axes object to plot into. If no axes is provided, a new one will be generated.
- scalestr
Scale used to stretch the colormap. Options: ‘linear’, ‘sqrt’, or ‘log’.
- originstr
The origin of the coordinate system.
- xlabelstr
Label for the x-axis.
- ylabelstr
Label for the y-axis.
- clabelstr
Label for the color bar.
- titlestr or None
Title for the plot.
- show_colorbarbool
Whether or not to show the colorbar
- vminfloat
Minimum colorbar value. By default, the 2.5%-percentile is used.
- vmaxfloat
Maximum colorbar value. By default, the 97.5%-percentile is used.
- kwargsdict
Keyword arguments to be passed to
- Returns:
- ax
The matplotlib axes object.
- ax